O-rings can be your solution to the problem of leakage

To minimize the flow of liquid and to prevent the leakage of various fluid and other components from the pump, various materials are used. The problem of leakage is very common when a liquid is transferred from one part of a machine to another. Mechanical seals, gaskets, packing seals are various such materials that are used and they work efficiently. There are various types of gaskets and mechanical seals are present which are made up of different kinds of materials and every material is used in different conditions. O-rings are also extensively used as a sealing device and have many applications including industrial, general service, automotive, aerospace, etc. They are made from different materials like Alfas, silicon, EPDM, Viton, and many other materials. They are used in different parts like shafts, valve bonnets, grooves, sleeves, etc. where the liquids are transferred. O-rings are generally produced in different sizes and their size determines their pressure capability. They a...