Gaskets are a great option to prevent leakage between irregular surfaces

The problem of leakage is commonly faced in industries while operating the machines. It results in the escape of fluid from the system, especially at the joining point of two surfaces. Leakage results in the loss of material, disturbance in the process, and sometimes the leaked fluids are harmful chemicals that can cause harm to the people around machines and may result in an accident. Mechanical seals are used to join the two surfaces without letting the fluid escape and leak. But there are different types of machines that are designed in different ways. Sometimes, the two surfaces are not perfect and have some irregularities so they cannot be sealed by mechanical seals. A gasket is a device that is used in such cases that efficiently join the two ‘not-so-perfect’ surfaces and prevent the leakage of fluids. Gaskets are made up of sheets and these can be of different kinds of materials like rubber, silicone, paper, non-asbestos, PTFE, flexible graphite, EPTFE gasket material , etc. Ea...